The Narcissistic Self and the Cure.

What is the self-experience of the narcissist? What is their intrapyshic world compromised of? This one drifts between two states the states “encompasse a vague falseness, shame, envy, emptiness of incompleteness, ugliness and inferiority and the counterparts: self righteousness, pride, contempt, defensive self-sufficiency, vanity and superiority.” McWilliams desctibeds this in her book Psychoanalytic Diagnosis. Kerberos (1975) describes this as opposite ego states grandiose (all-good) vs. depleted (all bad.). The cure, reaching the “good enough state.:”

How do these isolated beings reach, the good enough state? What is the cure?
This is for everyone who has ever been abandoned and this is especially the isolated narcissist. This is the cure, like a soothing balm on very burnt skin.

You are good enough. You are lovable. Your imperfections make you perfect.

Your mantra: my imperfections make me perfect. I am good enough. I am lovable. And if you have a partner, or a child extend that to them, silently state or aloud. You are lovable. You are good enough. Your imperfections make you perfect.


Sometimes we project goodness onto people who simply are not.


Rituals for Connection