Rituals for Connection

John and Julia Gottman go on their honeymoon once a year, on their anniversary. Once a week my couples utilize the sacred date night, standing babysitter, with the agreement to not talk of the bills, or kids, or to-do list which dominates our lives so well within the ever lasting connectivity of the internet and the para-pandemic world of work and play being collapsed into one home. Every night the parent gives her child a warm bath and a good night story and a back rub. Every evening he makes dinner for his partner and puts their phones in a box and then they drink a glass of wine and talk about their day. Every birthday is a celebration of gratefulness with a party and presents. Every morning she kisses her wife before going to work. Every day she speaks with her best friend and checks in with how she is doing. I encourage you to choose one.

These rituals once established provide a rhythm to life that simply enhances the well being of that person and the circle of people that that person interacts with. Life is truly overwhelming at times with a never ending conveyor belt of things to do, without establishing one ritual we end up collapsing into the void. An established ritual over time simply becomes woven into the fabric of your daily life.

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ~ Anaïs Nin.


The Narcissistic Self and the Cure.


Grudges lock patterns in place, how to forgive for movement