You are not trapped
We tend to collapse into black and white thinking during the stressful times and within that tunnel vision, we feel trapped. I encourage you to challenge that feeling, thought and idea of being trapped. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t usually is not the reality, it is a feeling though. And that feeling arises because you care.
Stay in a marriage where you are no longer in love with your partner, where you both have grown apart OR hurt your children by getting a divorce or yourself…. or your spouse. In actuality sometimes if the marriage is exhausting all systems, getting out of a bad situation frees every person involved and everyone becomes happier, less stressed, more energetic and centered: including the kids. Yes, the kid also feel better, as long as the kids do not feel the burden of hearing how awful the other parent is, or the burden of relaying messages between the parents…. as long as they are still treated as kids, as long as the kids know you and your spouses love for them does not change, the kids have an opportunity to thrive. And they too feel better as they are no longer exposed to a tension filled home with that ambient anger.
With allowing the option for this, the awareness that you are not trapped, there is movement to work on the partnership, an opening to breathe, maybe even fall in love again, or step away and let go with love and care and kindness, and respect.
Be gentle with yourself. You are not your worse mistake. You are brilliant.
Yes, you.“Curiouser and curiouser!”
― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland