Remember JADE When speaking with a mean person

This is quite tricky.

When you make a mean person accountable, they will flip the script and say you are the abuser.

When this happens, please learn this wonderful acronym created by Al Anon, called JADE. Justify, Argue, Defend or Explain. Do not Justify Argue Defend or Explain, instead state: This is what I what I choose. or: No.

No is a complete sentence. And remember reasoning is only with reasonable people. Know your truth, hold your boundaries firmly and with kindness and then you are empowered. If you forget you are interacting with someone who is so self centered they have little ego strength to take responsibility for their actions, you will slip and fall. So please do not delude yourself, and hold this Acronym as the saving grace for your own health and well being.

And remember is is all about Progress, Not Perfection.

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage. Anais Nin


You are not trapped


Resentment the papercuts of a relationship