The antidote to Co-dependency: Interdependency, what is that?
Co-dependency is a word that floats around a lot. Codependency, “You ruined my life.” No, you ruined your own life, (and here is a bit of a spin on that, did you ruin your own life? Or is life just hard, and the human condition even harder: We bleed. We sleep. We get tired. We get hungry. We cry. We laugh. We eat. We have sex. Or a good vibrator… Loneliness, Overwhelm, Frustration. Joy, Love, Appreciation and Laughter… the Human condition.)
What is the antidote to co-dependency? Inter dependency…. which means expressing your needs. To learn to locate your needs. To talk about your needs. And have the needs validated and brainstorm pathways to get there. If you can not express your needs, and you expect your partner to mind read your needs, you are traveling a dark lonely tunnel of delusions. Many times, having needs is interconnected with humiliation and self hatred. So, we need to unthread that knot and validate that the needs you are have are important and vital and human, and can only be met with asking for help, and in asking the response needs to embedded in empathy and care. Your needs are valid, part of this human experience. How can I meet your needs? How can I help you meet your needs?
Remember the story of Heaven? Everyone has long spoons in front of their soup bowls. Heaven is feeding one another with those spoons.
You got this Love. You do.