Degrading the Earth linked to Mental Illness. Yes, it is in the water.
There are a few towns on this Earth where there is naturally occurring lithium in the water. And studies have shown in those towns there are lower rates of homicide suicide and rape. What?! El Paso, Texas (of all places) has naturally occurring lithium in the water, and… lower crime rates. Read here. Yes, Here are a few studies. And another.
And then what is up with New Jersey drivers? Stop honking. Why do New Yorkers parking style look like bumper cars? Why are people in California so selfish? The Water! Do not drink the water. Please. I have a theory that there is a little cocaine in the New York Water hence a lot of anxiety. Plastic has leaked into the drinking water for Californians, and New Jersey is a superfund site.
Please get a really really good Water Filter. For your Mental Health. I do not get any bonus points or money for sharing the Water Filter I love is Aquatru. The Only Water Filter endorsed by Erin Brockovitch. Your brain deserves a clean water. And maybe a visit to El Paso.