Listen to your intuition

When something feels off, it is.

There is a fascinating psychology with journalists, investigative ones especially. They were lied to as kids, so from a very young age they began investigating for the truth, they became truth seekers. So as adults they are at least one decade (if not two) more experienced in investigation than their colleague who did not grow up with a parent who was a compulsive liar. The silver lining.

But then there is this fascinating space we can occupy. We go toward the familiar, and can end up choosing a compulsive liar. What happens when a truth seeker chooses a compulsive liar? Then the truth seeker internalizes her/his/their own introject, (an introject is the internalized voice of the parent) and the journalist begins to lie to themselves choosing connection over protection.

Do not lie to yourself. Choose to trust yourself. Many times, there is protection in rejection. Choose protection. Life is too short. The moment you choose the liar over your truth, we begin to dissociate and fragment and mirror the liar, who needs to remain fragmented, who chooses not to integrate.

This is when it is important to listen to and repeat this statement. I choose to trust myself. I choose to be patient and wait for a good person. I choose the discipline of hope. I choose space to occupy. I choose to trust myself. Trust yourself. And be compassionate towards yourself, and do not judge yourself. It is hard to be alone. Be gentle with yourself.

“I must be a mermaid, Rango. I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living.”
Anais Nin


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