If you like your life 70 per cent of the time, you won.

Via media and social media we are stumbling upon unrealistic narratives that life is supposed to be satisfying 95-100 per cent of the time. But when we aim for this, which is great to aim for, but when we miss, we can feel like failures or that something is wrong, even worse that we are wrong, that we are failures. Life is hard, when it is hard, you have not done anything wrong, it is simply hard.

Failure is part of life, it is how we grow, expand and make mistakes, course correct, and really live and when there is no room to seriously mess up, we are left in the doldrums of the mundane, the day to day monotony of looking for a good parking spot metaphorically speaking. But if we embrace failure, run towards pain (sometimes), and listen to our intuition, we can scramble to liking our lives 70 per cent of the time. That is a lot.

What made you smile today? What made your heart sink a bit? What made your heart skip a beat? What made you tired today? If you felt all these feelings, then you lived a full life today, (in my opinion.)


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